
My Second Silent Miscarriage

       I have never experienced a miscarriage in which my body starts to cramp and bleed. I have never witnessed that moment of panic and pain. But I have experienced miscarriage, silent miscarriage.  I don’t like to open up about this type of thing, because I feel like I have no right to. I have had 4 perfectly healthy pregnancies that resulted in 5 beautiful children. I can get pregnant easily, but that doesn’t always mean I keep the baby. Two out of my last three pregnancies have resulted in a 15 week loss.  Typically, when people talk about miscarriage symptoms, they mention bleeding, cramping, (insert other symptoms), or that they just “knew.” But what about when you don’t feel any symptoms, what about when your body thinks it is still pregnant, even though the baby has been dead for weeks? I’m talking about what is called a Silent Miscarriage. I am writing this after my second “silent miscarriage”. After carrying my baby for 15 ...